Learning For Me

The Canadian Seed Growers’ Association is proud to offer a full suite of comprehensive online courses prepared by seed growers, sector experts and educational specialists to meet real learning needs of the Canadian seed sector.

Completing these online courses allows you to advance your seed production knowledge – better understand the standards, regulations, and best management practices to help you succeed in seed production.

Why Enroll?

Enrolling in the CSGA Learn Professional Development Program provides you with a personal dashboard showing your completed courses and your progress in those you are currently taking. You can also use your dashboard to view, download and share completion certificates you have earned during your studies.

You can enroll in an individual course or in one of CSGA’s four Programs.

Seed Learning Programs

CSGA has selected specific individual courses and grouped them together for you based on your specific learning interest and to meet CSGA designation requirements. The courses included in these programs have been carefully designed by seed growers and sector experts, each with a focus on a particular aspect of the seed system, Certified seed production, regulations, and best management practices. The courses include field crop photos, videos, glossaries, and reference links to enhance your learning.


Important Notes


  • A unique email address is required for each learner.
      • Learning material cannot be taken by different people using the same email address. If you currently share an email address with another user, you must create a unique email for yourself and create your own account.
      • This also applies to team learning – each assigned learner must have their own email address for the group leader to assign material.
  • Many of our programs overlap courses.
      • Should you wish to purchase more than one program, it may be more cost-effective to purchase one program and one or more individual courses to fill the required learning.
      • Please reference the Program Content and Pricing at the bottom of this page.

Program: Introduction to Seed Production


Learn the procedures, standards, and best management practices to help you succeed in your production of certified seed.

Program: Probation Plot Grower


Increase your knowledge and skills as you work towards becoming a CSGA-Accredited Plot Grower. Learn how to rogue and produce seed plots from experienced plot growers.

Program: Experienced Seed Grower


Benchmark your seed production knowledge and skills against best management practices, certification requirements and sector standards. As an experienced grower, you can also combine your seed crop production experience with this program to expand your recognition as an Accredited Seed Grower (ASG).

Program: Plant Breeder


Designed for plant breeders to learn the requirements for producing certified Breeder seed in Canada. This program must be completed before an application is made to CSGA for Recognized Plant Breeder or Associate Plant Breeder status.

Individual Courses

Each of CSGA Learn’s individual courses has been carefully designed by seed growers and sector experts, with a focus on a particular aspect of the seed system, Certified seed production, regulations, and best management practices. Courses include field crop photos, videos, glossaries, and reference links to enhance your learning.

Course 1: Introduction to the Canadian Seed Sector


This course provides an introduction to the Canadian seed sector and is complimentary for all learners. Once you complete this course, you will understand:

  • The difference between certified and non-certified seed
  • The seed certification process, from variety development to the sale of Certified seed to commercial producers
  • The various seed certification classes
  • The role and importance of plant breeders and seed growers
  • The roles of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association, and Seeds Canada

The course is currently in your cart.

The course is currently in your cart.

Course 2: Seed Certification Classes


This course provides you with important information about seed certification classes.Once you complete this course, you will understand:

  • The different seed certification classes
  • The difference between self-pollinated and cross-pollinated crops
  • The role and importance of Accredited Plot Growers in seed certification

Course 3: Producing Foundation, Registered and Certified Seed Crops


This course will provide you with important information about producing Foundation, Registered and Certified seed crops. Once you complete this course, you will be able to understand:

  • Crop-specific certification requirements from the Canadian Regulations and Procedures for Pedigreed Seed Crop Production (Circular 6)
  • The importance of understanding all relevant requirements in Circular 6 before selecting your field and planting a seed crop
  • The significance of maximum impurity standards and off-types, other varieties, and other crop kinds
  • The role that land requirements, isolation requirements and equipment cleanliness play in maintaining seed crop quality and varietal and genetic identity
  • How to interpret commonly used acronyms and codes in the seed crop inspection report
  • The importance of various steps and methods to clean out planting, harvest, and storage equipment

Course 4: Seed Crop Certification Process and Traceability


This course will provide you with important information about traceability and the seed crop certification process. Once you complete this course, you will understand:

  • The documents required upon purchasing/planting pedigreed parent seed
  • The online application process for seed crop certification and how to apply
  • The three certification outcomes and the conditions under which they occur, and “corrective actions”
  • The process for the assignment of crop certificates and its outcomes
  • Contracts used by seed growers and best management practices for these contracts (contract for seed production and contracting an Authorized Seed Crop Inspection Service)

Course 5: Pre-Inspection and Roguing 101


This course will provide you with important information about pre-inspection and roguing a field. Once you complete this course, you will understand:

  • What check inspections are and why they are important
  • How variety descriptions and ‘acceptable levels of variants’ are used in roguing
  • That there are specific weeds that must be removed from some seed crops before inspection
  • Key plant parts used for differentiating the seed crop from off-types, other varieties, and other crop kinds
  • How to rogue your specific crop including the ideal stage of maturity, field conditions, and the morphological/physical/visual characteristics of plants that you will use

Detailed roguing information and images are also provided by crop kind, including:

  • Cereals (Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye, Triticale)
  • Legumes (Soybeans, Peas, Lentils)
  • Forages
  • Alfalfa
  • Ryegrass
  • Canola and Mustards
  • Hemp

Course 6: Plot Production


This course will provide you with important information about plot production. Once you complete this course, you will understand:

  • How to obtain CSGA accreditation for Plot Production
  • The purpose of Select and Foundation plots and the higher multiplication risks associated with varietal impurities
  • How many generations (multiplications) Select seed is eligible to produce Select seed, and the conditions for doing so
  • How the grower can maintain the plot if part of it will not meet Probation, Select, or Foundation requirements
  • The requirements for the type of parent seed that can be used to grow Probation, Select, or Foundation plots, and the requirements for previous land use and isolation and maximum impurity standards
  • The rules and methods for staking plots
  • The requirements for plot sample submissions to the Variety Verification Program of the CFIA

Course 7: Harvest, Handling, and Storage


This course will provide you with important information about harvest, handling, and storage. Once you complete this course, you will understand:

  • How to clean harvesting, handling, and storage equipment for pedigreed seed production and why it is necessary
  • Best management practices to maintain pedigreed seed purity and quality through harvesting, handling, and storage

Course 8: Processing, Testing and Selling Seed


This Course will provide you with important information about processing, testing and selling seed. Once you complete this course, you will understand:

  • The essential elements of the seed conditioning process
  • The link between seed crop certification of varietal purity and varietal identity by the CSGA, processing regulations and requirements for final seed certification, and the role of Seeds Canada
  • The different types of Registered Seed Establishments (RSEs) and their roles and the accreditations required for RSE operators and graders
  • Seed testing requirements for Canadian pedigreed seed, including germination and mechanical purity and explain why they are important to ensure the quality and purity of certified seed
  • The usual seed tests provided by seed laboratories
  • The various intellectual property protection tools used in the seed sector
  • Standards in the Seeds Regulations for seed sales and trade

Course 9: Building Your Team


This course will provide you with information about building your team. Once you complete this course, you will understand:

  • Why Human Resources Management is important for your seed business
  • How policies can shape the working environment, including which policies are required to cultivate a healthy, supportive, and productive work environment
  • How to attract, train, and retain employees
  • Your legal obligations as an employer in recruitment and hiring, compensation, health and safety, workplace wellness, diversity, and inclusion

Course 10: Breeder Seed Production


This Course will provide you with important information about Breeder seed production. Once you complete this course, you will understand:

  • How Breeder plots are defined and their essential role in Canadian seed certification
  • The CSGA Plant Breeder Recognition process
  • The difference between Plant Breeder, Associate Plant Breeder and Variety Maintainer
  • The process for Variety Registration
  • The requirements for Breeder seed plot production, including standards, application and QMS requirements
  • The general rules for the production of pedigreed plots
  • The purpose of CFIA’s Variety Verification Program and the role of Breeder seed 

Program Content and Pricing

Programs are offered at a discounted price compared to the purchase of individual courses.

Program Introduction to Seed Production Probation Plot Grower Experienced Seed Grower Plant Breeder
Course 1: Introduction to the Canadian Seed Sector
Course 2: Seed Certification Classes
Course 3: Producing Foundation, Registered and Certified Seed Crops
Course 4: Seed Crop Certification Process and Traceability
Course 5: Pre-Inspection and Roguing 101
Course 6: Plot Production
Course 7: Harvest, Handling and Storage
Course 8: Processing, Testing and Selling Seed
Course 9: Building Your Team
Course 10: Breeder Seed Production
Total Cost if Courses Purchased Separately
Discounted program cost

Program Content and Pricing

Programs are offered at a discounted price compared to the purchase of individual courses.

Introduction to Seed Production

Courses included:

Discounted program cost: $150

Total Cost if Courses Purchased Separately: $200

Probation Plot Grower

Courses included:

Discounted program cost: $200

Total Cost if Courses Purchased Separately: $220

Experienced Seed Grower

Courses included:

Discounted program cost: $300

Total Cost if Courses Purchased Separately: $370

Plant Breeder

Courses included:

Discounted program cost: $85

Total Cost if Courses Purchased Separately: $100

Program Content and Pricing

Programs are offered at a discounted price compared to the purchase of individual courses.

Program Content and Pricing

Programs are offered at a discounted price compared to the purchase of individual courses.

Program Program: Introduction to Seed Production Program: Probation Plot Grower Program: Experienced Seed Grower Program: Plant Breeder
Introduction to the Canadian Seed Sector
Seed Certification Classes
Producing Foundation, Registered and Certified Seed Crops
Seed Crop Certification Process and Traceability
Pre-Inspection and Roguing 101
Plot Production
Harvest, Handling and Storage
Processing, Testing and Selling Seed
Building Your Team
Breeder Seed Production
Individual course purchase cost
Discounted program cost
Program Program: Introduction to Seed Production Program: Probation Plot Grower Program: Experienced Seed Grower Program: Plant Breeder
Introduction to the Canadian Seed Sector
Seed Certification Classes
Producing Foundation, Registered and Certified Seed Crops
Seed Crop Certification Process and Traceability
Pre-Inspection and Roguing 101
Plot Production
Harvest, Handling and Storage
Processing, Testing and Selling Seed
Building Your Team
Breeder Seed Production
Individual course purchase cost
Discounted program cost